Monday, December 7, 2009

Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

This parody of conflict resolution shows, in a witty way, how a typical conflict in the workplace usually pans out.
Conflict in the workplace is not only common, it's inevitable. Therefore I feel that it is a great upper-hand
when one can learn and utilize conflict resolution to its full potential. Conflict in the workplace, is not necessarily always 
a problem. It can in many ways be beneficial to both parties in conflict, because the resolution should be an educational lesson for both.
It is many times the problem of resolving the conflict, which is when one side of the conflict might act irrational, and the 
conflict will stay unresolved.

When resolving a conflict is it very important to understand that there is something to be learned from it, regardless of
who is right and who is wrong. If you view the conflict in a learning experience manner, you will have an easier time staying unbiased
and keeping it off of a personal basis. I have found a couple of steps to follow, if you find yourself in an arising situation:

Step 1- Setting the tempo. You first must set the stage for the conflict to arise. This means stating any biases you might have and also 
making the perception that a mutual problem may arise. If this is the case, keep an open mind and "stand in the other person's shoes".

Step 2- Gather Information. Here is where you try to understand the motivations and goals deriving from the conflict. Also, this is where
you will see what the conflict is effecting and how much. It is important to try and keep things work related and leaving all personal feelings
aside. Listen to the opposing side with empathy, and establish that you respect his or her opinion. Throughout the conflict, it is also important to 
stay as flexible as possible and to clarify any feelings. 

Step 3- Agree on the problem. Though it might sound obvious, clearing up any foggy points or questions is very important in a conflict. It is essential
that the conflict be seen as the same on both sides, or else no agreeable solution will be found.

Step 4- Brainstorm Solutions. If everyone is going to feel satisfied with the resolution, it will help if everyone had somewhat of a fair input on the solution.
This will make it feel more of a "win" for that particular side.

Step 5-Negotiate a Solution. This stage may be done already, or take a real long time. This is why in this stage it is very important to be patient, calm, and respectful. 

After following these steps, you should have no trouble in detonating a conflict bomb that is ready to explode. Whenever I run into a conflict now, I always try and go 
in with a positive outlook. If you go into a conflict too aggressive, the other party will feel threatened, however too passive and the other party might not take you serious.
Lastly, to avoid any personal issues, keep the focus on the real issues, being courteous, and avoid  confrontation. Be an Active Listener!


  1. Awesome video, I love the Office! Conflict resolution is a pretty serious topic, no matter what business you get into there are always going to be some kind of conflicts that need to be resolved. Knowing how to handle them properly is your key to success.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ha ha definitly loved video choice. Though it wasn't best representation of conflict resolution in the real world, it demonstrates tactics of communication and compromise, which is crucial in coming up with solutions. Solutions that best suit all of course. Good post.

  4. The video you chose was perfect for the post! Your content as well gave a lot of information for resolving conflict. Maybe a change in font will make it easier to see the steps for resolving the problems. Great post!
