Monday, December 7, 2009

deKrizia L's Writing a Presentation

Creating a presentation is very similar to writing a business document. No matter what we're writing we need to be prepared, acknowledge the use of visuals and have a goal for the report or the document being written.

Some people seem to be born great presenters, it seems they can talk about anything and not get nervous and they can make anything sound wonderful. I was never one of those people! In fact, I would get so nervous before presenting that I honestly didn't enjoy doing it. But after presenting so many times I have realized the tips mentioned in the video really help me stay calm which really sets the stage for a better presentation and gives me confidence that carries over to the next presentation.

The video talks about being prepared by writing the speech on paper or note cards. Remember that note cards are there to spark your memory about what to say next, they are not meant to have whole sentences that you're reading directly from because that takes the professionalism out of the presentation. Another part of being prepared means going over the presentation before you acutally present it so that you know exactly what to say and when to say it and you can catch any errors before it's too late.

The use of visuals can really make or break a presentation. It's so important to keep the audience involved. Giving them something to look at during the presentation can help them make connections to what you're saying in the presentations.

Another important part of a presentation is the goal. We should really set goals in most things we do whether it's writing a blog, business report or creating a presentation; these things are all done for a reason and it's important that we sit down and know what the reason is and what we want to accomplish by creating these documents.

Video from:


  1. Great post! I can totally relate to it because I am definately one of those people who hate presenting and get pretty nervous in front of a crowd of people. However the video and your post really had some good points that help with the presentation process.

  2. I really like how you talked about your personal experience when presenting. It makes the audience realize that there is a real person writing this blog. I think your post is a bit long. These posts should be short and sweet. Other than that, I'd say you made some really good points and this post would be helpful to someone preparing for a presentation. Great job!

  3. I personally agree and despise public speaking. The tips both in the video and the post were beneficial and hopefully will ease the process of future presentations. Great post, a little too much length, but otherwise good topic. I'm sure a lot of readers would learn good lessons from it.

  4. I loved how you talked about your personal experience with public speaking. I personally hate speaking in public! Maybe some smaller paragraphs or bullet points will make it a little easier to read. Great job!
