Monday, December 7, 2009

Lauren N's Group Projects

We’ve all come into contact the dreadful group project. The professor assigns a few random people who probably don’t get along or have the same work ethic to create a fabulous project. There’s always someone who neglects their part making it difficult on everyone else or there’s the overachiever who does everything without the input of everyone else, making it their “individual” assignment. Whatever the case, we all must learn how to work together to produce the best possible product as group projects become more prevalent throughout many careers.

Here are some tips to make your next group project successful.

· Communicate – Everyone has a different schedule and different mindset. Understanding this will make everyone’s job a lot easier.

· Stay positive – No one works well under constant negative conditions. I’m all for constructive criticism but a hint of encouragement never hurt anyone.

· Set deadlines – If everyone is finishing their part on a set deadline, less stress is established which makes working conditions much comfortable.

Below is a video explaining some guidelines on how to be a great group member.


  1. Good post. I thought the information and video were very informative. I also, liked how you voiced your opinion throughout.

  2. Group projects can be stressful, especially right now with the semester ending. An example of a trouble you have encountered with a group might have been interesting. Thanks for the tips!

  3. Your post was very useful in working with groups. Maybe a more creative topic will add a little more voice to your post. It had very strong information, and I agree communication is key! Good job
