Monday, December 7, 2009

Spellling and Grammer Misteaks


Well my spell check isn't going to like this post but it will be fun, how many spelling and/or grammar mistakes can you find?

Many ears ago, befor modern educashun in the new millenium, one problem in skools was baseic speeling and grammer. To conbat this and rays acheivement, teechers were adviced to start at the very begining, at the yungest age. Ones they had managed to breath new life into leessons, progres came quicklie- sucess was then garanteed. How many speeling errors would modern skolars identify in this paragraph?

Now as you can see by these exaggerated mistakes, the idea still gets across however it makes the writer look very uneducated and does not set a good image for him. Good grammar and spelling is not only about getting your ideas to people but it is also a way to show that you are well educated and a credible person. And in the business world credibility is a very important attribute, because if people don't believe and trust you then you are not going to make it very far.


  1. I absolutely love the title of this post. Not only is it relevant, it adds humor and interest for the reader. I wish you would have incorporated your own experiences with this topic. It would make it a bit more personable. Maybe you could also add a few bullet points with tips of how to avoid incorrect grammar and spelling. Overall, this was a great post. I liked that it was short and straight to the point. Good job!

  2. Really great example of incorrect grammar and spelling. I lost count of how many mistakes there were. The only thing I would add would be some tips on how to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes. Good job showing how ignorant people look when they have grammatical mistakes.

  3. Very creative post! You did a great job using your own voice and getting the point across. I like how it was short and to the point, but I also like Lauren's idea of adding some bullet points and maybe mentioning how to avoid such errors. Overall, I really enjoyed reading your post! Good Job!

  4. I really like the example you gave of what spell check can miss! Some more tips on common errors could have been helpful too. Thanks for a very interesting post!

  5. I loved your post! The topic and the creativity of finding the grammar and spelling mistakes made the post a lot more fun to read. Maybe tips on how to find errors would be helpful. Great post!
