Monday, December 7, 2009

Follow the Leader

Whether you are working on a large project at work or a group project at school it is always important to have a strong leader. Leaders are people who inspire others to work and get everyone to accomplish their tasks. Through my experience working in groups I have learned that without a reliable leader no one will accomplish their goals and the group will fail. I'm sure you have been in a group where the leader was not doing their job and the rest of the group became frustrated that nothing was getting accomplished. This is a major problem and becomes even more important when you enter the workforce. I know I want to be the best leader possible and I'm sure you do too so below I've included a few tips on how to become a good leader.

Respect- It is crucial that you earn the respect of the members in your group. If you are not respectful to your group mates they will not give you respect. If you do not have the respect of your group then they will not want to work or help you get tasks accomplished.

Confidence- If you plan on being a leader you will need to have confidence in what you are doing and gain the trust of your group. I know that if my group leader was not confident in what they were doing then I would not put in my best effort. However, if you know that your leader is leading the group in the right direction then you will try harder to help achieve your tasks.

Positive Energy- I recently read an article about arguably one of the greatest CEO's of all time, Jack Welch. "Leaders get into everyone's skin, exuding positive energy and optimism." Jack Welch is trying to say that leaders must be honest with their workers and guide them in the right direction. If this is done correctly than you will get the most out of your workers.



  1. I enjoyed this post. You gave good details on what being a good leader meant. I also liked the personal examples you gave.

  2. Your post had great tips for being a leader. Maybe your could use a change in font color for the different topics so they stand out better. Your video as well went great with your post. Great job!
