Monday, November 30, 2009

Basic Letter Elements

Introduction: When writing a letter this is where you greet the person you are writing the letter and introduce yourself and explain why you are writing them. Also this is a good time to prove to them why you are credible and why the should take time to listen to you.

Body: The body of a letter is nothing more than elaboration on your introductory ideas, you want to give the person the details of your proposal or idea that you told them about in your intro. Use the body of the letter to fully explain the purpose of writing them.

Conclusion: Finally the conclusion should include a brief summary of what you have just talked about in the body of the letter, one final idea that really leaves the reader thinking that way they don't forget you. And then lastly you want to close your letter with a sincere closing remark such as; Sincerely yours, or your friend.


  1. Tim you gave good information for the basic elements. Maybe a picture could be used to spice it up a little. Good job!

  2. I agree with Sam! It's a good post, I like how you got to the point fast..but a picture would really make it stand out. Good job!
