Sunday, November 29, 2009

Frankie G's Periodic Elements of Email

Being a student at a University, you are faced with the task of writing various emails weekly. Whether it is writing to your friends, family, teachers, girlfriend/boyfriend, or whoever. There are certain elements that are necessary in every email.  

If you are like me,  you want to send these emails as quickly and easily as possible.  Therefore, if you take a look at my list of essential elements of emails, you can learn and become a pro in no time. 

1. Be clear!-  you have to remember that this is a digital message.  This means that you can not use body language to get your point across.  This is why it is important to make sure you are being as concise as possible when writing.  Watch out with you're use of sarcasm, as it may come across in the wrong context. 

2. From Field- Make sure to type you're full name properly in this field.  Use correct capitalization, and make sure you have your name and not email in this field.  Anything less than this might come off as unprofessional, or even might get confused for a spam message.

3. Subject Line-  A well thought out, short-and-sweet subject line is essential in writing a good email.  I'd say a 5-7 word subject line is appropriate, just enough to get your point across, yet not going into detail.

4.  Greetings!-  It is important to add some sort of greeting at the beginning of the message.  If you are not sure of how formal the greeting should be, it is always better to play it safe.  Therefore use Mr. or Ms. when necessary.  

5. The Body! - This is where you will clarify all the details that you are trying to communicate.  It is important to be as clear as possible here, avoiding any possible miscommunications.   Again, make sure you use correct capitalization and spell check to avoid any mistakes that the reader might take as laziness or ignorance. 

6. Close it up!- You don't want your message to be viewed as over demanding, so you want to add a little something at the end to wrap it up.  Whether it be, "Sincerely yours," or "Warm regards" etc. This is the final touch to your email so make it count. 

If you take the time and learn each of these elements, you will have no problem in conquering even the toughest of emails.  


  1. Love the YouTube video! & all the colors.. You definitely made the blog easy to read with great information. Good Job!

  2. Good job personalizing your post and I like the change of font color. Maybe a bit more formal examples would rounded it out a little better. Otherwise, good info and nice choice of video!

  3. You definetly gave a lot of voice in your post. It was creative and concise. The video added a great personal touch. Great job!
