Monday, November 16, 2009

Frankie G's Fun With Feasibility Reports!

A businessman with a suitcase walking down hill
Writing a feasibility report can be very intriguing for a writer. At the end, you will make a decision based on the research on, whether or not a specific project is actually feasible.  These reports are designed to, "help readers decide whether it is possible to implement the plan." (p.667 text)  Even in a case where the research pans out and the writer is uncertain of what decision to make, he or she can choose to recommend researching the topic further and remaining undecided.  There are common grounds between Feasibility Reports and Recommendation Reports, however feasibility reports study whether the project can be implemented successfully, whereas recommendation reports provide the best choice among others (comparing).  In this blog post, I will discuss when and how a good feasibility report should be written.  

On, I found a good format for writing your feasibility report:

What Points Should I Bear in Mind?

You must be unbiased and your approach must be logical. Be sure that you know the precise purpose of the proposed project and also its scope.

What Would be a Suitable Format?

This is a suitable format for a feasibility report:

1. Abstract

2. Summary

3. Contents list (including a separate list of illustrations)

4. Glossary

5. Introduction (purpose and scope)

6. Discussion (the main body providing the evidence - use appendixes if necessary)

7. Conclusions (flowing naturally from the discussion)

8. Recommendations (flowing naturally from the conclusions)

9. References (if necessary)

10. Appendixes (see section 6).

Sometimes sections 1 and 2 are combined.


  1. Your post was a good base for feasibility reports. However, you that you will show how a good one was written but I didn't see any of that. Your introuduction was really good.

  2. I like that you outlined a good format for us to follow. The picture isn't showing up for me? But I like your post! good job!
