Monday, November 16, 2009

Good Interview Questions

During an interview you are going to be asked many questions about yourself and how you will be a good addition to the company you are applying to. However an interview is not a one way street, you too have a responsibility to yourself to ask questions to the employer to make sure this is the job that is right for you.

Some sample interview questions are as follows:

1. What are the responsibilities of the position? - Most important question by far, you want to know what you will be doing if you get the job.

2. Is there room for advancement into management? - Advancing in the company may be important to some people who wish to further their career.

3. What is the pay/salary? - Money is a very important aspect of a job and may influence on whether or not you want to take the job if its offered to you.

4. What kind of conditions will I be working in? - You need to know whether you are working at a desk inside or outside in the weather.

5. How soon can I start? - This shows the employer that you are ready and eager to start the new job.

Also questions you DO NOT want ask may include:

1. Did I get the job? - You do not want to be impatient the employer will let you know whether or not you get the job.

2. When am I Eligible for vacation/sick time? - This is something that can be discussed after you get the job, plus if you ask during the interview you may look as if your already looking for time off.

3. What does the company do? - You should already know a little bit about the company you are interviewing for, it will show that you have taken the initiative to do a little research.

4. Can I change my schedule around? - This too is another aspect of the job that you can negotiate after you have become employed.

These are only a handful of questions that you could possibly ask your employer, make sure before you go to an interview to take some time and write down a few questions for your potential employer. Not only will this help you answer questions that you may have about the job, but it will also show the employer that you are genuinely interested in becoming an employee for the company.


  1. Tim I really liked the questions that an interviewee should ask. Maybe you could add a section about answering questions that you may get asked and a few sample questions. I too learned questions that are important to ask the employer at an interview. Good job!

  2. This is a great post! It's very important to ask questions in an interview and to know what questions to ask. I also like how you told us what questions not to ask. This was very informative and well written. Good Job!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
