Monday, November 16, 2009

deKrizia L's Resume's: The Little White Lies

As mentioned in an earlier blog post, having a professional resume is essential. My resume is my chance to sell my work ethic, interests and desire in order to get the ever so important interview. With so much relying on the resume some of us may be tempted to lie or maybe to "stretch the truth", but it's crucial that when those thoughts come up we firmly push them away. Lying to an employer can be a big mistake. There is a fine line between selling and lying on resumes. We do want to use positive adjectives and express our desire and experience related to the job, but we don't want to claim degrees we don't have, job responsibilities we never had or even exaggerating titles of jobs we've had in the past.

There are many reasons why we shouldn't lie on a resume; probably the most obvious reason being that it's immoral. But something else we need to consider is the possibility of being caught and the consequences that will follow. Is it worth it to lie in order to get the job and then get caught and being fired? And for those who think it won't happen, we can look back just a few years ago when George O'Leary was fired in 2001 after only five days on the job as Notre Dam's football coach because he lied on his resume about a master's degree he never earned and an exaggerated position on a previous football team. If we look, we can find many stories like this happening all the time.

In this economy lying can be tempting, but in the end it's best to tell the truth. Most of us don't have a perfect career history or the best experience for every job, so don't feel like that is the only way to get noticed. Be confident in yourself and your skills and it will show. It's up to you to create a honest resume, and I hope this helped you do so!

Information from:
ToonDoo should say, "I'm 28", but for some reason it says fruits and veggies. Sorry about that!

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