Monday, November 23, 2009

Ryan K's Recommendation Reports

Recommendation Reports

Recommendation reports are arguably one of the most important types of formal reports. They are used by companies and organizations to help make important decisions in many different areas such as: which product to choose, which method would work best, or how to increase profit. Since your boss may someday put their trust in your recommendations it is important to know how to write a recommendation report that will help your organization make the best decision. The tips listed below will provide you with information on what to include in a recommendation report.

What to Include

Introduction- In the introduction you will want to discuss the purpose of the report and discuss the contents of the report.

Background Information- The readers of your report may not be familiar with some of the technical terms regarding the situation at hand. Therefore, you will need to include a section that explains the necessary technical terms to your readers. It is acceptable to include this information in a separate section or in the section that the terms are introduced.

The Requirements That Will Be Used- A critical part of any recommendation report is a section on what requirements you will be evaluating the possible options on. Requirements can be numerical, yes/no, or based on a rating scale. To support your final recommendation it is beneficial to include a discussion on what requirements are the most important.

Compare and Contrast- In this section you will compare and contrast the possible choices. This is the section where you will base your recommendations from. Readers will also refer to this section to draw their own conclusions based off of your research. It is important to include all of the positive and negative aspects of each option and compare them against the requirements you set.

Conclusion and Final Recommendation- The conclusion restates your findings that you have discussed in the previous sections. Your final recommendation should be based off of your research and be clearly stated. This section should also include why you made the recommendations you did and why they are the best option. If you are assessing a complicated matter it is not uncommon to provide more than one recommendation.


Online Technical Writing. Web. 23 Nov 2009. .


  1. Thanks for this information. I had never really considered what should go in a recommendation report. I think that this is a type of report that may get overlooked sometimes, but when it is needed, it becomes very important.

  2. Great Job, way to get some good info packed in there

  3. People our age don't know just how important recommendation reports are. Once we get older and have careers we may see recommendation reports a lot more, and should definitely know how to write one. Good job!
