Monday, November 16, 2009

Chelsea B's Making a Good First Impression

A first impression can take only a few seconds to form but a whole lot longer to change. Your peers, superiors, etc., judge you based on first appearance, demeanor, mannerisms, and body language. It's important to make a great first impression in the workplace or other social settings because it sets the tone for the rest of any working relationship. A few useful tips:
  • Be on time
  • Be courteous to and conscientious of others
  • Be open and confident
  • Have a genuine smile and positive attitude
  • Relax but present self appropriately


  1. First impressions last a life time and are one of the most important aspects of a job interview. I like your post it is short and sweet but it gets the point accross. Good Job!

  2. The tips you gave are great for making first impressions. Another tip may have been to dress appropriately. Thanks for the pointers!

  3. Those tips are really helpful. Maybe you can ask your boss or another manager from a company what they feel makes a good first impression. Nice job!
