Sunday, November 8, 2009

Chelsea B's Types of Resumes

Types of Resumes

Resumes are key in securing a job interview; they are what sell us to potential employers. Resumes contain information about our education, experiences, and training. Depending on an individual’s specific criteria they can vary, but most follow a generally accepted format. The three most common resumes are:

Chronological Resumes

This type of resume summarizes your experience and training in ‘reverse chronology.’ It begins with the most recent experience and goes backwards. This style should be used when the applicant has typical experience for the job and impressive qualifications.

Skills Resumes

A skills resume emphasizes the skills that qualify the applicant rather than educational degrees or fancy job titles. This choice of resumes is best when the applicant does not have typical experience or training in the job to which they are applying. Rather, they have a breadth of experience in other fields, and most likely some gaps of time between jobs.

Entry-Level Resumes

The focus of this type of resume is to highlight who you are as an individual, given the lack of previous experience and/or credentials. This resume is typical of one whom is just entering the workforce and wants to emphasize his/her character as a potential employee.


  1. This is a good post and will be helpful to anyone who wants to know the differences between the different types of resumes. Maybe you could give specific instances when each type would be used. This will help people choose the appropriate type of resume for their situation.

  2. I really liked how you gave information for each type of resume. Maybe you could add an example of a resume for the type most people use so readers can see the most important aspects of the resume

  3. I love the comic you used. It makes this boring subject a lot more interesting. Also, I feel like you simplified the different types of resumes which eases the understanding for readers. Great job!

  4. I also like the graphic you used. It definitely spiced up the topic and added life to it. The only thing I can say is maybe give examples and situations where you might use each resume. But you gave great explanations of each of these.

  5. I also thought that the comic was very funny and perfect for this post! I agree that an example of each type of resume could be helpful to someone trying to decide which type they want to create. Thanks for laying out the different kinds of resumes that are available as options!

  6. I also liked the comic! Good job with this post. This is such an important topic and so relevant to us as we get closer to graduating and applying for professional jobs. Thanks for going into detail and telling us when we should use the different resume's. Good Job!
