Monday, November 30, 2009

Chelsea B's Drafting Your Document Correctly

In the workplace there are higher standards to which we are all held and must strive for. There is a professionalism that requires we put more effort into our documents than merely one draft and then, boom, you’re done. Drafting is the nonlinear process that allows us to create the first version of our work with majority, if not all of its parts. When writing a draft it is key we include the following:

*All parts of document- front matter, body, and end matter
*A strong statement of purpose
*Logical, Concise support
*Strong Conclusions

The first line of attack would be to draft the body, the primary part of the document. There is no particular length to strive for as much clear, concise coverage of the information you need. Clear topic sentences are a must as well as noted focal points of each section.
Next, it’s good to write up the conclusion. Here you include a summary of the information, analytic predictions, recommendations for the reader, and a personal judgment.
The Intro is the last part to write and definitely most important, this is what reader’s remember most. Here you should include:

*Statement of Problem
*Relevant Info/Background
*Key Terms
*Overview of Organization

I know it may seem like a lot to accomplish, but don’t worry, it’s only the first draft!


  1. A lot of good information on how to write a rough draft. Maybe you could include a video or visual. I'm sure your tips on what to include will help a lot of people though.

  2. Thanks for the tips! You included all of the essentials of documents. I think that we are supposed to include either a youtube video or a comic in each post, so maybe add something to this one. Also, I loved the hopeful line at the end- it's important to remind people that they have the ability to write and revise everything!

  3. Your post had a lot of useful information. Like Ryan, I agree on maybe adding a visual to the post. Good job!

  4. I really like your post! The layout really makes it easy to read! Like the others I completely agree that a picture would really make it stand out and give it that extra it needs to be a really great post! Good job with your writing!
