Monday, November 23, 2009

Jessica J’s Writing Right

Writing infiltrates nearly every aspect of our lives, so why wouldn’t we make the effort to ensure that our writing is proper? Any reader that spots a glaring mistake is almost certain to give less value to whatever he or she is reading. Here are some common mistakes to watch out for, so that you can always write right!

1. Using the wrong version of a word: There, their, and they’re may be homonyms, but that doesn’t make them the same word. Take the time to ensure that you are using the appropriate word for what you are writing. Yes, this applies to your/you’re, its/it’s, principle/principal, affect/effect, too/to/two, and many others.

2. Using incorrect punctuation: Yes, the rules of punctuation are often confusing, but if you are going to put the effort into composing something, why not do it correctly? Pay attention to commas, apostrophes, and even semicolons.

3. Refer to yourself correctly: Misuse of “I” and “me” are a pet peeve of many readers. Some writers will use “I” in order to sound more sophisticated; however, using “I” when you should use me just makes the writer look unintelligent. If you can’t figure out which to use in a complex sentence, a great technique is to break it down into a simple statement. Susie and ___ went to the store. Consider: I went to the store.

4. Use abbreviations appropriately: Abbreviations can be very helpful in condensing writing, but incorrect abbreviations are just confusing. Misuse of e.g. and i.e. is very common. Remember, e.g. means “for example” while i.e. means “in other words.” Also, an abundance of abbreviations can leave readers confused.

5. Text writing is not writing: Text shorthand has certainly had an impact on language in the past few years, but this does not mean that it is appropriate to include in serious writing. Use proper words, or ppl will b :( 2 read ur work.

Of course, there are many other aspects of writing that you must keep in mind, but avoiding these mistakes will certainly contribute to better writing. Also, if you are ever in doubt about something that you are writing, ask for a second opinion. The people around you are a wealth of information, learn from them!

"Do You Make These 7 Mistakes When You Write?: Copyblogger." Copywriting Tips for Online Marketing Success From Copyblogger | Copyblogger. Web. 24 Nov. 2009.

"Five Grammatical Errors that Make You Look Dumb: Copyblogger." Copywriting Tips for Online Marketing Success From Copyblogger | Copyblogger. Web. 24 Nov. 2009.

"Ten Common Writing Mistakes Your Spell Checker Won’t Find." Writing English. Web. 23 Nov. 2009.

"Top Ten Common Writing Mistakes." Index. Web. 24 Nov. 2009.

"Ubersearch." Sharing Machine. Web. 23 Nov. 2009.[]=content&searchtype[]=link&searchsite[]=TFD


  1. Good job, very thorough. Liked the change of font color

  2. Good job! I like all the helpful hints you've given us to look out for. It's definitely a pet peeve of mine to read "I" and "me" in the wrong text. You related to the reader very well and I love the font colors! Good Job!

  3. I really liked your post. I def. (text writing) liked your change in font, and the tips that you gave to help people have better grammar. Good job!
