Monday, November 23, 2009

Lauren N's Communication in the Workplace

Good communication is one of the keys to being successful in today’s competitive job market. People must be able to communicate with each other on a daily basis to keep the work flowing in an orderly fashion, and to deal with work issues as they arise. Misunderstandings can lead to delays, which ultimately affect the productivity of the company. In the past decade, employers have been forced to cut back on the number of personnel in order to save money, and problems in productivity can be even more detrimental in a slim-downed work force.
Communication in the 21st century is quickly evolving into one that involves less conversation, and more electronic sharing of information. While in the past, an employee might have a discussion with a co-worker face-to-face, today people tend to communicate via email or instant message. Either way, the old rules still apply regarding how to effectively communicate in the workplace.
1. One of the most important components for successful interpersonal communication is clarity. People need to be able to understand what you are saying.
2. Another component for successfully workplace communication is to be direct. Learn to make your point quickly. When talking to a co-worker, get to the point quickly, and be direct.
3. Many times in business, people forget common courtesy and tact. In speaking with co-workers, be considerate of their time and points of view. Separate emotion from intellect, and do not be condescending.

Below is a video explaining the do's and dont's of effective communicating. Although, it may be a bit corny, it has some good tips.


  1. Good post! I really liked the video, I know its mostly common sense stuff but some of the points made in the video are valid, I even laughed a few times. I especially liked the part where danielle emailed her coworker and told her to wake up and stop eating donuts.

  2. Communication in life is so important! I really enjoyed your post and the video as well. So much is done through email and text messaging that some of us forget how to communicate in person! But your blog helped! Good Job!

  3. I agree that communication is extremely important and many people do not effectively communicate. The video provided a lot of good tips!

  4. Communication is really important, so I am glad that you covered it so well. Some more spacing in the text would probably make it easier to read. Thanks for a great post!

  5. I agree your post was very well written. Maybe a change in font color will make the more important points stand out a little more. Great job!
