Monday, November 16, 2009

Lauren N's Lab Report

Lab Reports are a type of informal report that many of us will not use in our day-to-day life. They are more likely to be written in the science or engineer industry. Although, these reports can be viewed as boring, there are definitely items that you can add to make it stand out. Pictures and graphs always ease the reading of data and help to simplify a bunch of big words. They also can help to make such an unexciting report more fun. Make your lab report one to remember! Below, is a video that explains all of the must-haves of a basic lab report. Abide by these rules and you can't go wrong. Good luck!


  1. Good job helping everyone who are not scientists or engineers understand lab reports. Maybe you could include why lab reports are preferred in these fields as opposed to other reports. The video provides very good tips for writing lab reports!

  2. You did a good job explaining the lab report and I like the video you added!
