Monday, November 23, 2009

Reference Letters

Reference letters are a good way to show a potential employer that you have had some experience in the field you are applying for and as proof you have recommendations from outside sources citing how great of a worker you are. For the most part reference letters are pretty easy on your part since all you really need to do is get a professor or maybe even your boss to write a letter to whatever company it is you are applying to and tell them how wonderful of a student/worker you have been. One very crucial element to this is that you do not want someone who may think you're a slacker writing your letter because they might not give you the best reputation. We have all gone through this process before whether it was to get into college or get your first job, it is not a hard task but it it very important that you have real live people giving you credibility through these letters.


  1. Your post gave a lot of good information. Maybe you could give examples of strong descriptions that someone who is writing a letter should say. It was short, sweet and to the point. Good job.

  2. Good post! I like how you related it to the reader at the end. God job!

  3. Your post had a lot of very true information that is easy to relate to. It would be nice if you included some color or graphics for your post. Thanks for making me feel less alone as I tackle the task of letters of recommendation!
