Monday, November 9, 2009

Ryan K's Writing a Cover Letter that STANDS OUT

Having a professional resume is very important for obtaining a job but without a cover letter that stands out employers may overlook important qualities as well as experience you may possess. A cover letter is also important so employers know what position you are applying for. Here are a few tips to ensure that your cover letter stands out and you receive an interview.

Keep it Simple

Employers look over dozens of cover letters everyday and do not have time to read through lengthy paragraphs. Make sure to keep your letter to about three to four paragraphs. Also, make sure to not restate your entire resume. Block style is the most common format for cover letters because it looks as if it were typed on a typewriter and is easy to read.

Selling Yourself

A resume contains extensive information about your education, skills, and wok experience but in a cover letter you will want to pick three to four key points that show the employer why you are right for the job. Make sure to include relevant experience and skills that qualify you for the position. It is crucial that you sell yourself in the cover letter because this is your introduction to the employer and may determine if you receive an interview.

Customizing Your Letter

When you are writing your cover letter make sure to include how you fulfill the employer's desired qualifications. It is best to review what the employer's qualifications are before writing your letter and then customize your letter by providing examples on how you fulfill these requirements. The cover letter is used to inform the employer what position you are applying for but more importantly it should highlight what you can provide for the employer.

Common Mistakes

There are a few things that you should avoid in order to make your letter stand out from the others. Do not use phrases such as "thinks outside the box" or "excellent verbal communication skills." Although you may possess these qualities employers have heard these terms thousands of times and it will not be advantageous to use them. Also, do not use Dear Sir or Madam in your letter ( This does not make your letter stand out and implies that you have sent the same letter to numerous employers. It is best to address your letter to a specific person to show that you have put time into the letter and you are serious about the position.

By following the tips listed above your cover letter will stand out to employers and they will be able to easily recognize that you have the qualifications for the position you are applying for.




  1. Good job Ryan. The advice you gave was pretty solid and I'm sure anyone who follows it should have an easy time coming up with a standout cover letter. I think there was one spelling error but other than that, it was thorough and very helpful.

  2. You formatted the post very well. It was clear and concise and helped me understand the information a lot better. Good job!

  3. I agree with samantha. Your format was very professional, and you gave sound advice. Anyone who is trying to write a successful resume definitely will benefit from this post.

  4. I agree with the others, this post was very informative and clearly written. I think you may be missing a comma in the last sentence, but overall it was great!

  5. This is a great blog post! I know this is something I have struggled with in the past and spent alot of time on. I like that you not only explained very clearly how to create a great cover letter, but also made me more aware of the mistakes that can easily be made.
